Working Together to Build Community
(and Grow a Garden in the Process)
Yesterday didn't start off as such a nice day to be outside, but it ended up being a perfect day to build a garden plot as well as to grow a community of people. We were just strangers to each other just a month ago. Where else could you get a high school student, a couple of grandmothers, a mother of 4, and kids of all ages together and have fun on a rainy day? Well, it's at the SouthPaw Unity Garden where we tend relationships as well as plants.As far as the garden is concerned, we made a bed for red raspberries, repurposed old tires into planters for flowers, planted Brussels sprouts, and uncovered the strawberry bed to find more than just strawberry plants! We found a nest of new-born bunnies. How cute they were. Well, we have to think about what they will be like when they grow up and want to eat all of our lettuce and cabbage in the garden. It's a dilemma about what to do with them. We left them for now and hoped their mother would move them outside the garden. What would you do with them?