Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Garden is Put to Bed for the Winter

Well, summer is past and so is the garden at SouthPaw Farm. The strawberries have been transplanted into the raised beds so they won't be plowed under, all the tomatoes have been picked and the ground cleared of most of the fruit, the potatoes have been dug up and everyone involved has gotten their fill of produce for the season. Pepper plants are still standing because they just won't stop producing! There were even 4 boxes full of tomatoes and potatoes donated to The Salvation Army food pantry for others to enjoy!
It's been a great second season for our garden. We are already thinking about how to improve the garden in the spring so we can cut down the work. We are thinking of mulching more, mowing the weeds down instead of tilling so much and inviting everyone to donate leaves and grass clippings to the effort.

Much thanks goes to Dennis for organizing the garden this year. Also thanks goes to all the volunteers who donated time to make our community garden a success.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Garden is Ready for Picking

Corn got blown down somewhat, but I think it will make it. Coons got a few ears from the first two rows. Didn't get anymore once it matured though!

Cucumbers are coming on strong, but I don't know where that is going right now. I know a couple ladies picked lots of cucumbers to make Bread and Butter pickles. However, I know there will be more coming on, so soon we can make more pickles if you want pickles and/or relish.

Tomatoes are still green. Some are rotting on the vine. There are red ones slowly coming on.

Beans should be ready in a couple to a few days. Ready for canning/freezing.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Peas Among the Thistles

Debbie and I went to the garden to see what was growing after the rain and nice warm sunny days we've had. Well, we found lettuce, radishes, carrots, beets, herbs, rhubarb, potatoes, onions and much more. In fact, everything we planted has come up except the romaine lettuce. I think we will have more than enough greens for everyone without the romaine.

We didn't think the peas were growing but we found them among hundreds of thistles! It's a good thing we had thick gloves on! Now at least you can see the rows. All we need to do is wait until the ground dries a bit and then till the rows to get rid of the rest of the weeds.

It's so exciting to see what God produces from little tiny seeds! Go for yourself and see God handiwork.